Perfect bw deck mtg
Perfect bw deck mtg

perfect bw deck mtg

this being said with dark ritual it is critical to use all 3 black mana, not because i'm afraid of mana burn but because there is an opportunity to disrupt them or play a second threat and take advantage of turn 1. tiger swipes, climbs around back and neck bites. i chose duress as my single nonland for this reason mainly: with this quick-kill theme, i attempt to take advantage of turns 1 - 3 which sets me up for the kill. vindicate and swords are just as excellent on the play or on the draw. lastly about sinkhole debate, it's a considerably better spell when you're on the play. they still have huge creatures which will finish quickly. and if eva green falls back or is dragged into a longer game.

perfect bw deck mtg

on top of that, unlike eva green, my build doesnt run 8 or 12 enormous threats (4 goyf, 4 nantuko shade, 4 tombstalker) so i can't afford to topdeck a non-removal spell in that matchup. late game it's considerably less effective and i would much rather prefer sword to plowshares or vindicate over it. on top of that, sinkhole is excellent early because it fits my quick-kill theme. the objective is to disrupt them early, remove defensive or offensive threats (tarmogoyf etc creatures i cant out-aggro) with swords or vindicate which will impede on this theme, all while attacking with steady creatures. i decided on x4 vindicate over x4 sinkhole or x4 swords over x4 sinkhole for this reason: although sinkhole can really offset a player's manabase and probably ruin them. in the end, being a more aggressive player and for reasons i will explain. versus some tier one decks as well as the mirror match.

Perfect bw deck mtg